
// Graphic Design 1- Logo Designs/

-- Design three separate logos for the same word using three separate treatments. Design a logo using the word "Model Citizen" one for a) a young conservatives group, b) a hobbyist magazine and c) a fashion organization. The final logo is contained in the box and the remainder were semi-final choices as well.

a) For the young conservatives, the lower caps and the avant-garde typeface is to display a younger, modern feeling while maintaining a conservative and patriotic structure through the colors. The three red dots represent unity and community amogst the group.

b) For the hobbyist magazine, the final logo chosen was the word "Model Citizen" on wheels. The wheels create an ambiguity, letting the logo portray a car, train, bicycle, plane, etc. The logo can speak to any hobbyist's interest in any of the hobbyist fields.

c) The fashion organization logo is to represent the formula for the theory of relativity, "E=mc squared". 'E' being for energy, this organization is supposed to represent just that; that fashion is energetic and relative.


//Computer Imaging- Editorial Illustration/

-- Choose a current event (in this case, the issue concerning whether or not Pluto should be considered a planet or not) and illustrate the correlating image strictly in Adobe Photoshop using a combination of different brushes, effects, and techniques.

//Typography II- Newspaper Re-Design/

--Re-design and solve the first page of a poorly done newspaper using a different grid while maintaining the feel of the original paper.

//Typography II- Walt Disney Concert Hall Calendar Designed on Deconstructed Grid/

--Design a concert calendar for Walt Disney Concert Hall on a deconstructed grid while maintaining organization.